If you convert 5000 INR to BDT/USD, 75 USDT/USD to USD/BDT/USDT, or 100 WMZ to USD/INR/BDT/USDT, you can join or upgrade in our business system for free. >We have launched OofChanger Business (OCB) for your convenience. Our business system is very transparent. By simply upgrading your OofChanger Exchanger (OCE) account to OCB, you can access benefits such as cashback, affiliate earnings, investment earnings, and bounties. For more details, you can directly contact our agent. Thank you!


Exchange rate: 105 INR = 1 USD
Reserve: 5785 USD

সতর্ক খবর (Alert news) [सचेत करने वाली खबर]: bKash/Nagad থেকে UPI বা UPI থেকে bKash/Nagad মানি ট্রান্সফার হবে হ্যান্ডস অন ম্যানুয়ালি প্রক্রিয়ার মাধ্যমে, যা হতে পারে হোয়াটস্যাপ এজেন্টের মাধ্যমে। আমাদের হোয়াটস্যাপ এজেন্টের সাথে যোগাযোগ করতে অনুরোধ করা হচ্ছে। ম্যানুয়ালি হলেও আপনার ওয়েবসাইটে একাউন্ট থাকা প্রয়োজন হবে। (Money transfer between bKash/Nagad and UPI or vice versa will be done through a manual process facilitated by WhatsApp agents. We request you to contact our WhatsApp agents. Even though it's manual, having an account on your website is essential.) [bKash/Nagad से UPI या UPI से bKash/Nagad मनी ट्रांसफर होगा हैंड्स ऑन मैन्युअल प्रक्रिया के माध्यम से, जो हो सकता है होटस्याप एजेंट के माध्यम से। हमारे होटस्याप एजेंट के साथ संपर्क करने का अनुरोध किया जाता है। मैन्युअल होने के बावजूद आपकी वेबसाइट पर एकाउंट होना आवश्यक होगा।]

Attention please: (1) You can use Lite gateways (e.g., UPI Lite, Bks Lite, etc.) to exchange the minimum amount. (2) Open an XBS account with a nominal fee and get 1.50% cashback and 5% advance credit with every order, absolutely free. (3) In case of manual order send the payment to the UPI address/bks/nagad which you see on the website. Otherwise we shall not be liable in any way. (4) We appreciate your patience; please refrain from bombarding our team members with multiple messages on WhatsApp. Remember, they are here to assist you, so give them some time. (5) UPI INR, UPI LITE INR, BKS-NGD PERSONAL You are required to complete full KYC before making any payment or crediting orders with BDT. Failure (or cancel) to do so may result in a 10% deduction charge. (6) If an unnecessary order is placed, a 5% charge will be incurred or deducted. If you mistakenly create an order for any reason, please contact our WhatsApp support team for assistance.


Rumon, 14/07/2022
I am very happy your service, its very quick and its affordable

RKR, 16/07/2024
completed my verification and first order.They helped me throughout the process.I could have found these people earlier.Anyhow all the best for your efforts for giving the best customer service.Keep it up.***** services

Rejaul, 28/02/2022
OMG Wowwww, FB support is very good & I trusted...

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